Anna Kulachek’s poster uses FS Dillon to depict her hometown Moscow


Anna Kulachek’s poster uses FS Dillon to depict her hometown Moscow

Tamasin Handley News

We have partnered with design publication It’s Nice That to create a series called ‘Local Characters’. The idea was to collaborate with graphic designers to create typographic projects inspired by the designer’s hometowns. In the first project we worked with graphic designer and art director Anna Kulachek whose hometown is Moscow.


Anna selected FS Dillon® for her project. She wanted to create a bold typographic poster inspired by the city’s architecture and needed a font to reflect the Russian people’s “honest and straightforward personalities”. FS Dillon works so well for this project because it is a highly functional font which was inspired by the Bauhaus and Construcktivist movements of that time. The letterforms are compact with a generous x-height and were designed for maximum impact – simple and direct.


Anna created a bold and impactful animated poster in red and blue:


Read the full article on It’s Nice That.

Fontsmith’s Brandfont licensing allows brands to create customised typefaces, modify existing library fonts or use them off the shelf. The simplified model allows endless use across every format, read more here.