ITC Stone® Sans II Font Field Guide

Foundry: ITC Designers:Sumner Stone, Jim Wasco, Delve Withrington Classification: Humanistic Sans
Best Practices
There is virtually no limit to ITC Stone Sans II range of applications. Fine books, annual reports, restaurant menus, business correspondence, corporate identity programs, movie credits and advertising campaigns have all been set using this design.

Six weights of roman and condensed designs, each with a complementary italic, for 24 typefaces.
Font Facts
- ITC Stone Sans II is its own and design and should not be combined with the original ITC Stone Sans.
- The initial ITC Stone family of three designs was designed while Sumner Stone was at Adobe.
ITC Stone Sans II family is new from the ground up. The collaborative design effort between Sumner Stone, as lead designer and project director, Delve Withrington and Jim Wasco, initially begun as a general tidying up of ITC Stone Sans, but it grew into a complete reimaging of the design.

Humanistic overtones, a robust x-height, large counters and open apertures make ITC Stone Sans II especially legible and remarkably readable.
How to spot ITC Stone® Sans II

Alternate Choices
Perfect Pairing
Download a pdf version of the ITC Legacy® Sans II font field guide and view the ITC Legacy® Sans II font family.
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