#22 Brittany Signature by Creatype Studio


Q1: What should graphic communicators look for when choosing a typeface family for a specific project? What kind of typeface designs are best for pairing with your typeface?

Ans: A good typeface is a medium for graphic communicators to communicate the project character. A graphic communicator must first understand the project’s identity to get a suitable typeface. The project identity is the main character of the whole show that the graphic communicator will show through a typeface. In other words, a graphic communicator needs to know the project’s character to succeed in introducing the project. The ideal typeface to harmonize the Brittany Signature is Montrelo, the Elegant Sans Serif. Besides the elegance and sophisticated looks of Montrelo, it has a bold energy that makes a perfect match for Brittany Signature.

Q2: What were your goals when designing the typeface? What is the one or two most important things graphic communicators should know about the typeface, or how will the family of fonts help them create better design?

Ans: We aspire to give a soul to the project through our typeface. We believe a project with a soul can last longer and thrive further. The graphic communicator must have the same vision as ours to keep the typeface as well as the projects alive. Since we got the same vision, the graphic communicator will know how impactful our typeface is.