TypeType — Got a Ticket Bundle

We present to you our new bundle “Got a ticket?” inspired by the vintage carnival theme.

This time, in the bundle we put together a motley crew of fonts and included representatives of different font types, as well as fonts suitable for completely different areas of use. The bundle has a group of display fonts that can be used for large and bright inscriptions, for example, TT Trailers Demi Bold, TT Globs Regular, or TT Ricordi Fulmini, and others.

For medium to small settings, you have TT Ramillas Medium or TT Wellingtons DemiBold. If you need to add a vintage feel to your design, use TT Marxiana Grotesque, Inters or TT Backwards Sans Regular. And of course, we haven’t forgotten about versatility—TT Commons Pro Expanded Medium or TT Travels Regular are suitable for all text sizes and any type of media.

We have described only a part of the fonts included in our “Got a ticket?” bundle. The rest of the fonts are just as interesting, and we will be happy if you can find a use or a suitable project for each of the fonts in this bundle.

Designed by: Ellis Tolsma

Fonts in this Bundle

The fonts from this bundle can be used in a variety of ways.  In this inspiration gallery, we have showcased how you can use them in packaging and in print. Share your creation on twitter and instagram using #FONTACULAR @Myfonts and we may showcase it here.

The bundle consists of 39 fonts, here is a complete list: Inters, Pines Bold, Pines Bold Italic, TT Barrels Bold, TT Barrels Bold Italic, TT Globs Regular, TT Moons Bold, TT Moons Bold Italic, TT Phobos Stencil, TT Phobos Inline, TT Ramillas Medium, TT Ramillas Medium Italic, TT Wellingtons DemiBold, TT Wellingtons DemiBold Italic, TT Milks Script ExtraBold, TT Milks Casual Script Two, TT Milks Casual Shadow Three, TT Milks Casual Shadow Inline, TT Marxiana Grotesque, TT Trailers Demi Bold, TT Polls Regular, TT Polls Regular Italic, TT Polls Script Regular, TT Backwards Script Regular, TT Backwards Sans Regular, TT Knickerbockers Grotesk, TT Commons Pro Expanded Medium, TT Commons Pro Expanded Medium Italic, TT Firs Black, TT Firs Black Italic, TT Tricks Stencil Black, TT Tricks Stencil Black Italic, TT Tsars B Black, TT Octas Bold, TT Octas Bold Italic, TT Tunnels Regular, TT Travels Regular, TT Travels Italic, TT Ricordi Fulmini.