Manual: Parentheses, Brackets & Braces

Often overlooked, parentheses, braces, and brackets are essential typographic tools. They enhance readability and help convey complex information. They are visually distinct symbols that harmonize with the alpha/numeric characters in a font.

Parentheses are used to enclose, or set off, information that is explanatory, qualifying, or incidental. Items generally set off by parentheses include: abbreviations and acronyms, area codes and time zones, as well as numbered or lettered lists or rankings. A parenthetical phrase can be used in the middle of a sentence or at the end, directly preceding the period. If the parenthetical statement is a complete thought, it follows the period.

Brackets are generally used to set off additional textual content within a parenthetical phrase, as a way to avoid the “nesting” of parentheses. Brackets are also used to enclose explanations or comments by an author, editor or publisher; to note a definition, translation or pronunciation; to clarify an omission; and to provide the source of a quotation. They appear in mathematics and chemistry, as well as in programming languages.

Braces are a more decorative form of bracket. They serve various purposes, including denoting sets in mathematics (e.g., {x, y, z}), grouping items in programming languages, and enclosing options in bibliographic references (e.g., {et al.}). In informal writing, braces can indicate emphasis or convey a playful tone. Additionally, they are used to indicate attributes in linguistics, such as in phonetic transcriptions. They can also be used as oversized decorative and ornamental elements.

Parentheses, braces and brackets should be centered vertically next to the text they enclose. In most typefaces, these marks are designed to center vertically on the lowercase x-height. If they are enclosing all caps, or lining figures, they may need to be raised slightly.

Using parentheses, brackets, and braces properly is crucial for clarity and precision in textul communication. It ensures accurate and effective delivery of information.